OTO ( Otgonbayar Tsogt is a London-based visual artist)
Botanical artistry contemporary Japan Exhibition
Rie Pomper-Takahashi
Works and lives in Austria
2002-2009 Conservation and restoration staff, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
2002 MA in Applied Arts, University of restoration and conservation class
1995 Goethe Institute in Brewen
1995 KAWAIJIKU Art Institute, Tokyo
Selected Exhibitions
2016 AKH contemporary 2016, Vienna
2015 Animo-fete, Eisenstadt, Austria
Japanese information and Culture Centre, Vienna, Austria
2014 Metamorphosis, Kuga, Großwarasdorf, Austria
Art Salon, Berlin, Germany
Kunstreich Gallery, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria
Japanese Information and Cultural Centre, Prague, Czech Republic
Gallery of State, Eisenstadt, Austria
Village of Artist, Neumarkt an der Raab, Austria
2013 Kunger Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Culture Centre, Oberschuetzen, Austria
Japanese Information and Cultural Centre, Vienna, Austria
2012 Dorf Museum, Moenchhof, Austria